

Brighton & Hove Armed Forces Day

Saturday 28 June 2014


Programme of Events



10.30am start
Arriving in New Road at 11.15am
1st Battalion Princess of Wales Royal Regiment (1PWRR) Freedom of the City Parade and InspectionThe march will start from the Peace Statue, Hove and travel along the A259, turn left into West Street, right into North Street and left into New Road where the Regimental Inspection will take place
11.50amVeterans/Cadets Parade and inspection (Veterans are welcome to take part in the parade – please muster at 11am in Jubilee Street)New Road

*Timings are approximate

Unitarian Church, New Road Programme of events

10amView: Chattri Exhibition
  • Tom Donovan, Local Military Historian
  • Kevin Bacon, Royal Pavilion & Museum
  • Davinder Dhillon, Chair of the Chattri Memorial Group
10.30am Talk: How India became involved in the First World War; why some of these soldiers came to be hospitalised in Brighton, particularly in the Royal Pavilion; and a short history of the Chattri Memorial
2pmReadings: Letters written by the Indian soldiers who were hospitalised in Brighton during the First World WarReadings by local residents
Performance: An extract from a play entitled “Killed” documenting the experiences of a young man sent to the trenches. Themes include the women left behind; their fight for change at that time and the responsibilities of the GeneralsYear 10 students Dorothy Stringer School
Talk: Experiences of the nurses who tended to the wounded at the trenches on the Western FrontSarah Tobias, Local History Lecturer


12 – 4pmVintage Hot Five and Rockabellas will be performing throughout the afternoon on New Road

Information tables

10am – 4pmThere will be a range of information tables from 1PWRR, armed forces charities and cadets based outside the Unitarian Church, New Road


General enquiries

Tel: 01273 292536


More information


SIPS Donation

SIPS Donation

We are delighted to announce that our Diwali function went extremely well and everyone enjoyed the dances, food and Music.

Graham Fender, one of our guest managed to collect £215.00 from the guests towards the Philippine Disaster and the SIPS agreed to donate £285.00, for this worthy cause, and making the total donation of £500.00